Friday, 20 January 2012

Build the Lenox website launched!

We are delighted to announce the launch of a new website for our Build the Lenox project.

The Deptford is.. organisation exists as a campaigning group which supports the idea of a new masterplan for Convoys Wharf.

As part of this masterplan, we are proposing a number of heritage-led projects which could support real community involvement, provide a much more tangible and imaginative link to our heritage, and even create real, sustainable jobs, training and tourism opportunities for Deptford.

One such project is the proposal to build a replica Restoration warship, the Lenox, in the very dock that the original ship was built.

Find out more about this project on the new website


  1. This is good to see but i have one point that i'd like to make about the Lenox 'initiative': I wish this would be more tied in to preserving the heritage of the Historic Dockyard, although whenever it is mentioned (including informative presentation @ Shipwrights before Christmas) sometimes to the unconverted it can seem as a load of ship enthusiasts just going off on a tangent rather than the greater good i.e. preserving and showing off the history that the Dockyard has to offer.
    Don't get me wrong i think it's a great idea but a sceptic could say that ship building enthusiasts are riding the 'Preserve the docyard' / 'no to Convoys' initiatives for their own ends i.e. to get to build a ship with traditional methods.
    That is all!

    1. Didn't want to sound too harsh! The History section on the new site is great. Really hope this project gets off the ground.
