Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Mayor of London pledges support for Lenox Project

The Lenox Project has gained support for its project from Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London.

The Mayor pledged his support for the scheme in his answer to a written question from London Assembly member Darren Johnson.

The full text of the question and the Mayor's brief yet unambiguous answer is reproduced below.

Lenox Vision project, Deptford 
Question No: 1907 / 2013

Darren Johnson:
Will you give your support as Mayor to the proposal by the Lenox Vision project to build a replica 17th century warship, on the very site the original ship was constructed, as part of the Convoys Wharf redevelopment in Deptford? 

Written response from the Mayor:

We are delighted to note that not only does the Mayor support our vision for the Lenox Project, he also agrees that the replica should be built on the very site that the original ship was constructed - the Double Dry Dock.

St Albans floated out of the dry dock at Deptford by John Cleveley (copyright NMM)

We believe this would be a much more appropriate use of this part of the site than the park proposed by the developers.


  1. Brilliant news. But what does that mean in concrete terms? How does verbal support translate into financial?

  2. Build the Lenox26 June 2013 at 13:11

    @anon we don't expect it to translate directly into financial support, but at this point in the process, ahead of planning permission being granted, we believe that verbal support from high-profile figures such as the Mayor of London has the potential to be very important.
